Ombudsman Program

Navy Ombudsmen are key resources for family members, particularly during deployments. They serve as a liaison between the command team and families within the command.
Ombudsman Support Program:
  • Provide information and referral to assist families with concerns or issues.
  • Regularly communicate and distribute information to and from the command and the unit’s family members.
  • Keep the command informed regarding the overall health, morale and welfare of the families in the command.

Ombudsman Assemblies

  • Scheduled Bimonthly
  • Provide advanced training on a variety of topics to enhance Ombudsman knowledge and response capabilities.

For more information about the next assembly or Ombudsman program, contact the Ombudsman Coordinator at 301-342-4911 or 301-757-4980

If you would like to contact your command's Ombudsman, please click here.